Makeup Tips

*cringes* Oh dear.  It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, I totally got off track!  I had such a nice little rhythm going and then it all came crashing to a halt; but I have an excuse!  No really, I do!  Final’s week rolled around and I seriously had no time!  Then there was a conference over then weekend…And well, as for the last couple of days, what can I say?  Other than it was my first few days of summer break, so I’m sure you all understand ;)

Well anyhow, back to business!  Time to get serious again!  So now for some seriously summer makeup tips!

Foundation:  Heat, sweat and humidity DO NOT mix well with foundation.  So you can skip it all together and just apply a little concealer to any problem spots and throw a little powder over the top.  Or you can mix a small amount of foundation with your lotion and apply and finish off with a bit of powder; I find that doing it this way adds a nice light layer of foundation to my skin.  It’s pretty sheer, but helps to smooth out my skin tone just a bit.

Blush:  There is nothing lovelier than rosy cheeks in the summer.  Find a color that compliments your skin tone, smile, and apply it to the apples of your cheeks.  You can also brush just a hint on your nose to give you a fresh sun-kissed look.

Eyeshadow:  Go light on the eyeshadow for summer.  Natural, beachy looks are always a do for summer makeup.  Try a light color that is just a few shades lighter than your skin tone over your entire eyelid; this will add a bit of shimmer and contrast.  If you want a really nice summer look, find a pretty peach or coral color (probably similar to you blush color) and after your apply the light base to your entire eyelid, swipe this color along your crease; it give a nice bright finish.

Eyeliner:  Sweat and eyeliner are a really bad combination and can leave you with racoon eye.  So do yourself a favor-skip the eyeliner all together.  Summer is all about look fresh and natural, you don’t want to look heavy with caked on makeup.  Instead try applying a nice bronzy color in a thin line just under your lower lashes.  I do this all the time with a light brown eyeshadow that has just a hint of gold.  It makes my eyes pop and gives definition without appearing heavy or thick.

Mascara:  Well, if you’re planning on going swimming, don’t do it!  Otherwise I usually throw on a thin coat of mascara in the summer.  Sometimes I’ll just add a light coat to my upper eyes lashes, this can give a really fresh doe-eyed appearance.  Also you can use brown mascara instead of black to still get definition but give a more natural look.

Sorry this is a short post, there will be more to come later-I promise!  I’m dreaming up some great D.I.Y’s and working on some new hairdo’s.  So stay tuned!  I’ll be back shortly ;)

Let me know what you think...